The shredder plant crushes and separates the metal components with its powerful 4,000 HP
The initial separation process by density, magnetism and quality control (Picking) guarantees the
production of FERROUS shredded scrap (210 – 211).
Post-Shredding receives all the non-ferrous material, separates it by size and classifies it into lines
with Eddy Current technology, Magnetic Induction, X-ray technology and Colorimetry.
This is where we produce Zorbas, Zurik, secondary aluminium, scrap copper and brass.
The copper pellets we produce come from our industrial processes. To ensure the quality of ourcopper pellets, we carry out:
- Quality control at reception, storing each category separately.
- A thorough selection before starting up the facility: intensive work cleaning foreign matter, aluminum, tinned cable and lead particles.
- Spectrographic analysis of copper as part of our production process.
We make agreements with our clients for constant copper supply.
We have specific facilites for the metal cleaning and selection process. As a result, we can offer materials in the format and analysis that our clients require:
We have high-performance shredders from 600 to 1,000 Tm of cutting power and packagingmachines for drawing cuts from Sheet Metal Stamping 300x300 to 400x400.
We select the materials before processing and we store them separately.
We have ample stock of the key categories.
We also produce scrap and low waste for steel, grey iron and nodular cast iron foundries
Equipment traceability begins with documentation, access and reception controls.
The identification and separation of equipment with potentially hazardous components is carried out prior to its mechanical recycling.
We have automated selection facilities to separate the components: Eddy currents, magnetic induction classification, infrared separation, X-ray separation, colorimetry separation and high resolution images.
The use of the best available technology allows us to guarantee the highest possible level of WEEE recycling. This means that once the process is complete we obtain newly valuable materials for commercialisation.